Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Rockstar Road Trip

So it's midnight in California and my friend Sam and I are on our way to Texas. We've had this adventure planed for months. It's quite exciting and we are crazy for starting at midnight but why wait till morning? That's eight hours of drive time we would miss out on!

I bought a brand new waterproof phone cover for this trip and it's legit. I took a shower with my phone today. Sounds weird but I had a Pandora shower radio and it was awesome! Unfortunately I cannot enjoy my new case while its plugged into Sam's car because the cord doesn't fit for the music. So I took it off for now. But I'm super anal about my phone being out of its case because I'm quite destructive with my phones...but hey I'll be in the car the next 24 hours so it should be fine!
We are driving my friends brand new 2012 Elantra. Great on gas, roomy and best of all only 2171 miles on it:) don't worry, we are gonna double that plus some this trip! Well as we get in the car we have rockstars and red bulls at hand. And Sam proceeds to tell me that she has this problem with spilling things in her new car so she put towels on the seats. Totally understandable! Also she shows me the taser just in case. Two girls...1500 miles...and a taser... Haha. Well you never know what will happen!. ..
So let me tell you what did...
Not ten minutes on the highway...
Sam puts the taser back in its spot and all the sudden I hear a "ssspppp" sound!!! My heart stopped...and Sam doesn't say anything! I was so scared I thought she was being tased... While driving!!
(Oh just imagine the unfortunate experience that would have turned out to be!)
I turn my head and get a nice spray in the face of ROCKSTAR! No worries the taser got the can, not Sam. It was spraying ALL OVER THE BRAND NEW CAR & MY PRECIOUS iPHONE IS OUT OF ITS PROTECTIVE GEAR!!!!
I grab the can and put my finger over the spraying ridiculousness... And froze.. What do I do now?!? I roll the window down and hold it outside and Sam keeps saying to toss it but I hate littering so it took me a good 15 seconds to finally decide to let it go.

"Did that really just happen?"
Oh yes, it did.

Well my phone got a little sticky but it's okay:) and the car...well it smells like energy drink! Kinda like its rained Rockstar inside the car.

The adventures have begun:) I am so excited! There's a couple places in the book I can hit while I am in Texas. Hopefully I can hit some! But if not I'll be going back home to Texas again soon!

It's only 30 minutes into this trip ad we already have a story to tell.. 23.5 more hours and lots more stories to come.

"Travel makes a wise man better, and a fool worse."
-Thomas Fuller

1 comment:

  1. Tased the rockstar can? Hillarious!! I can't wait to see you. Fyi i went to the game friday in the pouring rain and now I am sick as a dog. Feel like doodoo but when I see your beautiful face I shall feel better!!

    Be safe angels
