Saturday, May 12, 2012

I have a dream...

So I am Reachelle Spieker and this is my story
About a year ago I made a whimsical decision... within two weeks I..
*sold everything I owned...sounds intense but I was 20, let's be honest what did I really have?
*broke my apartment lease WAYY too early I don't ever recommend that I owed them too much money for too long and I was living on the other side of the country!
*quit my job.. not like it was anything epic..I dressed as a doll (Jessie from Toy Story) and gave people food and bubbly fizzing drinks and made kids think I was really in 3 cartoon movies with hopes their parents tipped me fat for my waitress service...which most of them did=]
*aaaaand I dropped out of college! I know, I know, sounds like a derogatory term "college dropout" but I can give you a long list of millionaires who decided reading from boring text books and doing group projects to get a piece of paper, a "degree" congratulating you for mastering MLA format was not going to give them the "degree" of life THEY were looking for.
(disclaimer-college is great, just not for everyone.)
all of this to move to 1500 miles away from Dallas, Texas to north of LA (don't be too jealous I live in a god forsaken desert...beaches and palm trees are a couple hours and hellish traffic away).
I left everything I comfort life. To start new and find myself.
Well I can't say it was easy but it has been worth it! I have learned more in this past year than I did all through college.
&& This is what I've come up with so far. I'm free spirited and down for anything. I want nothing more than to make the world my playground and experience everything. I want to meet the different people who inhabit this great earth and learn all about them and their culture. The best way to bring people together is to get to know one another better. I LOVE to travel and find adventure...I have a motto "Life is all about the stories you can tell at the end." I am an adventurizer...which by definition that I made up, is 'someone who lusts for, seeks, and creates adventure, everywhere.'
I started to develop a dream over the past year. Patricia Schultz, a freelance travel writer, has a book called "1,000 Places To See Before You Die." My dream is to see all 1,000 places before I turn 25. I know its lofty and crazy and absolutely ridiculous. And I am 21&1/2 so I need to get it going! BUT that's me, I believe in the impossible, I dream big, and I never give up. So I don't know how I am going to do this. I have no plan at all and definitely do not have the means, as of right now, to drop everything and fly across the world to Zelazowa Wola, Poland to see Frederic Chopin's birthplace. And no I didn't make that up its on page 301 =]
But I do know that the universe has a way of putting things in order when you commit to your decisions wholeheartedly.

I have to give a big shout out to  RJ Breisacher of
I recently met up with him while he was traveling in LA. Not only does he have an amazing story but he inspired me to follow through with this blog which I have been "talking about doing" for way too long. Check him out and follow his journey through all 30 MLB ballparks this summer!

Also to my good friend Alex Gordon for his incredible just do it attitude and his advice
"Nike that Shit!"

So this blog is about my journey to visit all 1,000 places and the adventures I have on the way.
It's going to be a long journey. I don't know where this blog will go...but I am excited to see=]

"Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you've never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground."
-Judith Thurman

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